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Persuasive Selling & Presentation Training
Introduction to the course
Introduction to the course (1:04)
Defining your personal brand (2:54)
Section 1: Developing Persuasive Presentations
Know your purpose (3:59)
Define your audience needs and wants (2:29)
Section 2: The Art of Storytelling
The Art of Storytelling (0:53)
Six stories you should know how to tell (4:43)
Write your presentation (5:03)
Using humor (1:35)
Deliver with style, passion and confidence (2:48)
Hone your verbal and non-verbal skills (3:03)
Overcoming nervousness (1:40)
Section 3: Special Considerations - Facilitation
Effective facilitators (1:50)
Asking questions (3:56)
Transitions, Silence, Active listening, Non-verbal cues & Rhetorical questions (2:51)
Conclusion (1:30)
Deliver with style, passion and confidence
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